#OpenToAll Is A Dream Come True

On Sunday, February 14, 2021, members of the vestry and elevator committee gathered in the cold and ice to break through the snow and bless the ground to officially start construction on our elevator addition to Hemsley Hall.

Scroll through the pictures below to keep tabs on the progress of the project. Thank you to Shirley Juliano & Marilyn and Dennis Genovese for the pictures!

If you have yet to make a pledge to the "Open to All" campaign, please consider making a gift today to help us reach our challenge goal by clicking HERE.


Hemsley Hall is under construction!

Thanks to our parish family who took part in the #OpenToAll campaign, we raised enough money to add an elevator to Hemsley Hall making it accessible to all of the Staten Island Community!

The blessing and “snowbreaking” took place on Sunday, February 14th!

The blessing and “snowbreaking” took place on Sunday, February 14th!

Father Aaron and Senior Warden Stasia Krebuschevski made the first dig (in the snow).

Father Aaron and Senior Warden Stasia Krebuschevski made the first dig (in the snow).


The Footings Are Put Into Place

The snow took some time to melt, but on March 24th the footings for the addition were being installed. The door is the basement door that leads out to the rear parking lot. Some of you may have climbed those stairs exiting our annual Holiday Fair.

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Reinforcing the Foundation

By March 31st reinforcements were added to support the new foundation! You can see the footprint of the addition starting to take shape.

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Ready to Pour the Foundation!

By April 7th, the foundation was ready to be poured. The forms were in place and all we need is the cement truck!


Pouring The Foundation

On April 13th, the forms were filled to form the foundation of our new addition. Things are moving along quite well, and we cannot thank our community and the construction professionals for making this dream come true!

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Basement Floor in Place

By April 20th the basement was in place. Along, with the elevator, plans are in place for new bathrooms. We could not be happier that the work is on track for completion. If you would like to make a donation to the #OpenToAll campaign, click the button below. Keep coming back for more updates!

Also, the lower level of the extension of the hall was also started and is making quick progress!

Also, the lower level of the extension of the hall was also started and is making quick progress!

During the week of May 3rd, demo began on the basement of Hemsley Hall.

During the week of May 3rd, demo began on the basement of Hemsley Hall.

During the week of May 10, 2021, the skeleton of the new addition was put into place.  You can also see the beginning of the outside wall being constructed.  #grateful #opentoall #thankyou

During the week of May 10, 2021, the skeleton of the new addition was put into place. You can also see the beginning of the outside wall being constructed. #grateful #opentoall #thankyou

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This week (May 17th), the outside walls made their debut in beginning to close in the extension. Also, on the right, we see new plumbing for the new bathroom being installed. The bathroom is being constructed on what was the second-floor landing of the inner staircase of Hemsley Hall. Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!#opentoall #grateful #thankyou

This week (May 17th), the outside walls made their debut in beginning to close in the extension. Also, on the right, we see new plumbing for the new bathroom being installed. The bathroom is being constructed on what was the second-floor landing of the inner staircase of Hemsley Hall.

Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!

#opentoall #grateful #thankyou

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More of the outside structure was completed this week (May 24th). This structure is in place of the steps in the rear parking lot and will serve as a support for the new addition.Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!#opentoall #grateful #thankyou

More of the outside structure was completed this week (May 24th). This structure is in place of the steps in the rear parking lot and will serve as a support for the new addition.

Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!

#opentoall #grateful #thankyou


This week, the roof began to take shape. You can see the extension really coming together off of the side entrance of Hemsley Hall. Continuing at this pace will heave our project completed sooner than later.

Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!

#opentoall #grateful #thankyou


This week (June 14th), we saw the stairs leading to the first floor and the windows beginning to be installed. We cannot wait to see what next week brings.

Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!

#opentoall #grateful #thankyou


During the week of June 21st, the inner workings of the elevator and the outside brick began to be installed. We cannot wait to see what next week brings.

Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!

#opentoall #grateful #thankyou

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During the week of June 28th,  electrical work was being done and the outside brick work continued. It’s so great to see how much progress our team is making toward completion. We cannot wait to see what next week brings. Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!#opentoall #grateful #thankyou

During the week of June 28th, electrical work was being done and the outside brick work continued. It’s so great to see how much progress our team is making toward completion. We cannot wait to see what next week brings.

Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!

#opentoall #grateful #thankyou

Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!#opentoall #grateful #thankyou

Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!

#opentoall #grateful #thankyou

During the week of July 5th, the tile in our brand new bathrooms was installed and the brick work on the outside of the addition continued. It’s so great to see how much progress our team is making toward completion. We cannot wait to see what next week brings.

During the week of July 5th, the tile in our brand new bathrooms was installed and the brick work on the outside of the addition continued. It’s so great to see how much progress our team is making toward completion. We cannot wait to see what next week brings.

This week (July 12th) the outside brick on the new addition continued to be installed and it looks fantastic.  Also, the installation of the inside walls began. You can see that in the picture to the right.

This week (July 12th) the outside brick on the new addition continued to be installed and it looks fantastic. Also, the installation of the inside walls began. You can see that in the picture to the right.

Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!#opentoall #grateful #thankyou

Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!

#opentoall #grateful #thankyou

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Can you believe it?

This week, July 19th, the bathroom was installed, the roof went on and the cross was put up on the front of the addition. Its hard to believe how amazing this all is!

Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!

#opentoall #grateful #thankyou

#OPENTOALL july 29.png

New walls and bathroom stalls appeared this week in our elevator extension. This journey has been blessed by the hands of true craftsmen and our amazing parish family! We cannot wait to see what next week brings.

Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!

#opentoall #grateful #thankyou


This week (August 2nd) new gutters and air conditioning were installed. Our journey continues as we await the installation of the elevator and all of the fine work to start. So exciting!

Click HERE if you would like to help us meet our fundraising challenge goal for this project!

#opentoall #grateful #thankyou


During the week of August 11th, the elevator arrived. Some assembly is required! Soon we will get the lift we need to be open for all! (See what we did there? :-))

The Gallery Below Shows Our Progress Through Summer 2021


We are done!

After a long hard journey, our journey is complete! What a beautiful addition to our historic grounds that can now be…

“Open To All.”

Thank you to the elevator & construction committee for all of their meeting time, detail watching, and planning.

Thank you to our Treasurer, Nancy Vomero, and the Finance Committee for their input and watchful eye on our finances throughout the project.

Thank you to Dennis Genovese who served as the parish liaison to the contractor and made all of the intricate decisions and inspections necessary for this beautiful space. Your time, talent, and treasure are invaluable!

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you” Matthew 11:28